One Million Stars Ireland

One Million Stars Ireland

Minister Helen McEntee TD has woven stars with us to show her support for victims of domestic violence

Group 189

Amber’s One Million Stars Ireland project is a nationwide community arts project that connects  communities through the craft of weaving stars. Each eight pointed star represents light, hope and solidarity against all forms of violence and promotes our eight points of healthy love within relationships.

Our travelling LOVE installation spreads healthy love throughout our communities, while raising awareness of domestic violence and abuse and sending a message of support to all survivors. 

The project was brought to Ireland in 2019 by art therapist Siobhan McQuillan of Arts Reach Ireland in partnership with Amber Women’s Refuge. 

Click here to learn more about Amber’s One Million Stars Ireland. 

Get involved, register as a star weaver and help us to weave One Million Stars to End Violence in Ireland project.