

Amber Womens Refuge CLG is committed to providing vital support to women and children who are victim-survivors of Domestic Abuse. To achieve this, we strive to make our service as effective as possible. We have a governance structure in place that makes us accountable & transparent.

Limited company

Amber Womens Refuge CLG, trading as Amber Womens Refuge, is a company limited by guarantee. It does not have a share capital and is registered in Dublin, Ireland. Registered company number: 241462.

Click here to view our Constitution. 

Registered charity

Amber Womens Refuge CLG is a registered charity.
Charity number: 2003292. Revenue CHY number: 11743.

Governance Code

The Governance Code is a code of good practice for Community, Voluntary and charity Organisations in Ireland. Amber has successfully completed the adoption process for the Governance Code and we are fully compliant with its standards.

Organisational structure

Amber’s staff & management team are experienced & committed, offering over 200 years’ of experience working with & advocating for victim-survivors of Domestic Abuse.
The manager reports to the board of directors, who provide clear direction on important decisions & ensure the organisation is implementing our Strategic Plan. 

Board of directors

There are nine directors on the current Amber board. They provide vital expertise on:

The board is supported in its work by the following sub-groups :
Finance Sub Group
PR & Fundraising Sub Group
Service Development Sub Group
Governance Sub Group
HR Sub Group